Schools out for Summer!
Our little Cheeky Monsters love to run around all day and we sure have a fun time keeping up with them. So, we are setting you the #cheekymonsterschallenge to see if you can re-create some of your favourite Cheeky Monsters adventures. We have three Cheeky Monster top tips to inspire you and keep your little ones entertained this summer.
Top-tip one, Adventure time –
We all know how much fun exploring the outdoors is and always leads to a good adventure, whether you have the beach, mountains, or parks on your front doorstep there is lots to explore. Go out on an adventure walk and see what your little ones can find, our nature-loving Cheeky Monster Spike is here with you every step of the way. Head over to our ‘What Are Creepy Crawlies’ page on our website to download our fun activity sheet you can take with you and tick off what you find on your big adventure.
Top-tip two, time in the garden-
Who doesn’t love spending some time in the garden? There are lots of things you can get involved with in the garden this summer with your Cheeky Monsters. Carrying on with our top-tip one theme and Cheeky Monster Spike, you could make your garden its very own ‘Bug Hotel’, head over to our ‘Build a bug hotel with Spike’ for a step-by-step on how to get building your bug hotel. This is great fun to make and once you start seeing all the weird and wonderful creepy crawlies come to visit, you can also teach your little Cheeky Monsters about how they help the planet. If you’re not a fan of bugs you can also encourage other wildlife into your garden by recycling an old milk bottle into a bird feeder which you can find on our My Cheeky Monsters YouTube channel.
We are staying in the garden for this one because Cheeky Monsters Glitter and Violet can help you spend more time outside this summer. You could try watching your little one’s favourite movie outside on a warm summer’s night (make sure you have some blankets just in case it gets chilly). For this, you will need some lighting and we can’t think of anything more fun than taking your own Cheeky Monster Violet lantern into the garden, head over to our YouTube for step-by-step help video on ‘How to make a homemade light lantern’. If you don’t fancy watching a film you could also use these lanterns for a garden Disco, Cheeky Monster Glitter has all the moves you’ll need for the dancefloor.
Top-tip three, Get Crafting-
Sometimes the British summer can be a bit hit and miss with sunshine so it’s good to have a back-up plan. The Cheeky Monsters love recycling or using things from all around the house to make some marvellous crafty creations.
Why not spend the day creating and playing fancy dress, you could transform yourself into a Cheeky Monster by making your own ‘Monster Masks’ or simply make props to play with such as ‘Violet’s Wand’, for this you could use a stick from your adventure walk. Or you could make Dragos Rocketship from a recycled water bottle and pretend to be an astronaut for the day.
If your little ones fancy a bit more competition, they could make their own model Rocky race car, go over to our YouTube video ‘Build your own Rocky racing car’. Set up a racetrack around the house and have your own Cheeky Monster race. If you have a different cuddly Cheeky Monster Toy, try designing your own racing car for them, we think Glitters would sparkle!
For more fun ideas of what to do this summer go over to the ‘Games and Activities‘ section of the website, we have free downloadable colouring activities, make your own Glitter-Playdough activity and much more.
We would love to see what kinds of adventures you get up to this summer so don’t forget to follow us on social media @MyCheekyMonsters and use the #cheekymonsterschallenge.