Make a Cheeky Monster Glitter mask

It’s time for another cheeky creation – let’s make monster masks so you can become your favourite Cheeky Monster! Here’s Glitter...

Once you’ve made Glitter, have a go at making the rest of the Cheeky Monster masks. Then you will be able to create your own Cheeky Monster show with your friends and family, and dress up as your favourite monster.

What you will need:

  • A light green felt pen
  • A pencil
  • A sheet of A4 light blue card
  • A sheet of light green foam
  • A sheet of white foam
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick
  • A lolly-pop stick
  • Masking tape
  • A grown-up helper

What to do:

  1. To start, carefully draw the shape of Glitter’s head and the outline of his eyes with your pencil and, once you are happy with the shape, go over it with the green felt pen.
  2. Carefully cut around the head outline to get your Glitter shape.
  3. Now it’s time to cut out the eyes. Carefully poke the scissors through the centre of the eye shape to make a hole and then cut out the eye shape. You should ask your grown-up if you need help you with this.
  4. With your pencil, draw and cut out four Glitter teeth and two white spots on the white foam, then put to one side.
  5. Next step is to draw out Glitter’s head fin and two spots from the light green foam and cut out, then put to one side.
  6. Take the white foam again and draw and cut out a star, cut that in half and then put to one side and you are ready to assemble your Glitter mask.
  7. Lay out the Glitter mask with the foam pieces next to it.
  8. Apply a small bit of the glue stick onto the green spots and place one to the side of the right eye and one to the side of the left eye.
  9. Put a little bit of glue on the half star and place it under the green spot on the right side.
  10. Next, apply glue to the two white spots and place one under the half star on the right and then the other on the left side under the green spot.
  11. The green fin should then be stuck in the centre at the top of Glitter’s head.
  12. Turn the mask over and stick down the four teeth at the bottom of the mask with equal space between them.
  13. Turn the mask over and with the green felt pen draw in two circles for Glitter’s nose.
  14. Finally turn the mask over again and with a small piece of masking tape stick the lollypop stick in place for your mask holder and you are ready to play.

Watch the activity video